Closing session

Closing Session   Closing Speech with directions for Congress Proceedings Announcement of the Awards: Best Paper Under 35 and Best Poster From Rome to the Limes, from the Limes to Rome Presentation of the 26th Limes Congress  Questions & Discussion Vote of Thanks: Rebecca Jones, & Andreas Thiel

Closing Dinner and Party – De Hemel

On Saturday 27 August, we end the LIMES 2022 congress with a fantastic dinner at a unique location in Nijmegen: Restaurant De Hemel, in St. John’s Commandry. Situated in the heart of Nijmegen, the St. John’s Commandry is a monumental building which was built over 800 years ago, to give travelling pelgrims  a place to rest […]

29. Cult & religious practices

29. Cult & religious practices Session Chair: Dr. Ivan Radman-Livaja Affiliation: Archaeological Museum in Zagreb Time Presenter (s) Presentation 09.00 Introduction 09.20 Anton Ye Baryshnikov Of pigs and borders: lost in translation, found in interpretation? 9.40 Ivan Radman Livaja A puzzling votive inscription by an officer of the cohors I Belgarum 10.00 Kelly Gilliking Schoueri […]

37. Roman Britain

37. Roman Britain Session Chair: Dr. Tanja Romankiewics Affiliation: University of Edinburgh Time Presenter (s) Presentation 09.00 Amanda Hardman The Integration of Public Baths into Post-Military Colonia and Civitas Capitals in Roman Britain 09.20 Pete Wilson Dying outside the gates 09.40 Tatiana Ivleva An academic versus a craftsperson: A story of ups and downs in […]

35. New research Dacia

35. New research Dacia Session Chair: Dr. Rada Varga Affiliation: Babes-Bolyai University The present session brings forth a series of new researches and undertakings regarding the limes and military life in province Dacia. Ranging from questions of provincial borders to analyses of Roman camps, and from contextualization of small finds to interpretation of monumental inscriptions, the […]

5. Feeding the frontier

5. Feeding the frontier. Agricultural economies, productive potential, and predictive modelling Saturday, 27 August, Karolingenzaal Session Chair:  Laura Kooistra Affiliation: Session Abstract: The provisioning of the army and the role of the local population in supplying food has already been the subject of discussion for decades. For a long time, historical sources and the marginal […]

27. Brickyards of the Roman Army

27. Brickyards of the Roman Army Session Chairs: Eckhard Deschler-Erb & Clarissa Agricola Affiliation: Universität zu Köln, Germany Affiliation of co-organiser: Universität zu Köln, Germany Session Abstract: The Roman army was not only an effective military machine, it was also a highly important economic force. Especially in newly conquered regions, the sapper units of the […]

28. Revisiting Roman imports

28. Revisiting Roman imports beyond the frontier. Investigating processes of movement Session Chairs: Thomas Schierl, Fraser Hunter, Szilvia Bíró & Thomas Grane Affiliation: Mühlhausen Museums, Germany Affiliation of co-organiser: National Museum of Scotland, United Kingdom Affiliation of co-organiser: Museum Savaria, Szombathely (HU) Affiliation of co-organiser: National Museum of Denmark (DK) Session Abstract: Finds of Roman […]