Daily Recap
Our daily recap located in the Linderberg Cafe.
30. The Pontic, Middle East and North African
30. The Pontic, Middle East and North African Frontier Session Chairs: Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, Emzar Kakhidze & Piotr Jaworski Affiliation of co-organiser: University of Warsaw, Poland Affiliation of second co-organiser: Batumi Shota Rustaveli State Universit, Georgia Affiliation of third co-organiser: University of Warsaw, Poland Session Abstract: Recent archaeological, numismatic, epigraphic and historical investigations into the history […]
22. Speaking of the dead
22. Speaking of the dead. Returning to funerary customs and grave goods from late Roman military burials Session Chairs: Vince Van Thienen & Sofie Vanhoutte Affiliation: Ghent University, Belgium Affiliation of co-organiser: Flanders Heritage Agency / Ghent University, Belgium Session Abstract: Fifty years after the publication of the late Roman graveyard at the Oudenburg fort […]
20. Basilica and churches
20. Basilica and churches in military outposts Session Chairs: Dominic Moreau & Ivan Gargano Affiliation: University of Lille, France Affiliation of co-organiser: University of Lille, France Session Abstract: In the absence of ancient texts describing the details of the process of Christianisation in the frontier regions of the Roman Empire, it is often very difficult […]
13. Childhood on the Roman frontiers
13. Childhood on the Roman frontiers Session Chair: Maureen Caroll Affiliation: University of York, United Kingdom Session Abstract: Recent studies on aspects of childhood in the Roman world have been reshaping the study of children in antiquity, especially in advocating interdisciplinarity to counterbalance the dominance of literary and documentary approaches towards illuminating children’s lives in […]
11. Roman military activities during the Republic
11. Recent research into the Roman military activities during the Republic. Archaeological evidence Session Chairs: Janka Istenic & Angel Morillo Cerdan Affiliation: National Museum of Slovenia, Slovenia Affiliation of co-organiser: Universitad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Session Abstract: The Roman army played an important, often pivotal role in the expansion of Roman supremacy. Evidence of Roman […]
25. The military vicus
25. The military vicus. Everyday life in the vicinity of the forts Session Chairs: Julia Chorus & Monica Dütting Affiliation: Research group Roman vicus on the Rhine, the Netherlands Affiliation of co-organiser: Research group Roman vicus on the Rhine, the Netherlands Session Abstract: This session focuses on the rise, function, development and population of military […]
12. Legionary fortresses along the Rhine
12. Legionary fortresses along the Rhine. State of research Session Chairs: Jürgen Trumm & Steve Boedecker Affiliation: Kantonsarchäologie Aargau, Switzerland Affiliation of co-organiser: LVR-Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, Germany Session Abstract: During the last decades, countless rescue excavations and other investigations have taken place at the roman legionary fortresses along the Rhine and the surrounding […]
10. Tales of Glory
10. Tales of Glory. Narratives of Roman Victory Friday, 26 August 2022, Steigerzaal Session Chairs: Martina Meyr & Christof Flügel Affiliation: Städtische Museen Rottweil, Germany Affiliation of co-organiser: Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, Germany Session Abstract: Since the groundbreaking research of Paul Zanker and Tonio Hölscher it has been generally acknowledged, how deliberately […]
15. Rome’s hunger for metals
15. Rome’s hunger for metals. Roman mining in and outside the provinces and the part of the Roman military Session Chairs: Markus Scholz & Daniel Burger-Völlmecke Affiliation: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany Affiliation of co-organiser: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany Session Abstract: The development of raw material sources, especially mineral resources, was one of the main motives of Roman […]