Registration is now open, see you in Nijmegen!

Registration is now open for the LIMES Congress XXV. This seven-day event will take place from 21-27 August at the Lindenberg in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Included in the congress program are two days of field excursions to numerous sites in the Netherlands and Germany. On top of that there is an unique opportunity to register for the Pre- and/or Post- Congress Excursions. The LIMES Congress is a worldwide academic forum for researchers currently working on all aspects of Roman frontiers in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The attendees of the congress have an unique opportunity to gather as a community to share insights and information and generate ideas.
Reserve your seat today!

Tickets available

Travel & Accommodation

To serve you best we have several room blocks in Nijmegen and surroundings close to the conference venue. We advise you to make your reservations timely to be ensured of a hotel room. Please note that you are responsible for your own hotel booking and expenses.