3. Ripae et Litora
3. “Ripae et litora,” Supply and security on the riverine and coastal edges of the Roman Empire Maandag 22 August 2022, Steigerzaal Session Chairs: Wouter Dhaeze, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg & Jeroen van Zoolingen Affiliation: City of Oudenburg, Belgium Affiliation of co-organiser: city of Utrecht, the Netherlands Affiliation of second co-organiser: Hazenberg Archeologie, the Netherlands […]
32. Frontiers of the Roman Empire
32. Frontiers of the Roman Empire. World Heritage across three continents Session Chairs: Marinus Polak, René Ployer & Stéphanie Guédon Affiliation: Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands Affiliation of co-organiser: Bundesdenkmalamt Österreich, Austria Affiliation of second co-organiser: Université de Limoges Session Abstract: Since the early 2000s it has been the ambition to create a UNESCO World […]
19. Wall to Wall
Session Chair: Tony Wilmott Affiliation: Historic England, United Kingdom Session Abstract: Hadrian’s Wall and the Great Wall of China are the subject of a partnership developed between Historic England and the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (CACH) under the title ‘Wall to Wall’. This is designed to share information and explore possibilities in the research, […]