08.30 Registration desk open
08.30-10.00 Welcoming coffee
10.00-12.00 Opening ceremony
Chair: Jeroen van Zoolingen,
Senior Archaeologist
at the Municipality of
The Hague
10.00-10.10 Harry van Enckevort, Chair of Scientific Committee of the 25th Limes Congress and Senior Archaeologist at the Municipality of Nijmegen – Welcome to the 25th Limes Congress
10.10-10.25 Rebecca Jones / Andreas Thiel, Co-Chairs of the 25th Limes Congress, Head of Archaeology and World Heritage at Historic Environment Scotland and Visiting Professor at Heriot-Watt University / Senior Conservator at the State Office for Monument Preservation Baden-Würtemberg – Welcome from the Co-Chairs
10.25-10.35 Jean-Paul Broeren, Deputy Mayor of Nijmegen – Welcome in Nijmegen
10.35-10.45 Jelmer Prins, Programme Manager, Netherlands Limes Association – Hurray! UNESCO World Heritage. What’s next?
10.45-10.55 Erich Claßen, Director LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage and Chair of the Deutsche Limeskommission – Management and Research along the UNESCO World Heritage „Frontiers of the Roman Empire. The Lower German Limes“ in Germany
10.55-11.05 Tatiana Ivleva, Visiting Fellow Newcastle University and Co-Author of the book: A History of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-1922 – Towards LIMES XXV/2022. An occasion to celebrate
11.05-11.35 David Breeze – Co-Initiator of the FRE-books and former Co-Chair of the Limes Congress – Introduction to the new Frontier of the Roman Empire-books
11.35-12.00 Organization – Housekeeping remarks
13.30-14.50 Welcome to the Lower German Limes
Chair: David Breeze
13.30-14.10 Erik Graafstal / Steve Bödecker, Senior Archaeologist at the Municipality of Utrecht / Limes Commissioner LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage – Rome’s first frontier. An introduction to the Lower German Limes.
14.10-14.40 Harry van Enckevort, Senior Archaeologist at the Municipality of Nijmegen – Roman Nijmegen
14.40-14.50 Tom Hazenberg, Owner of 1Arch/Hazenberg Archeologie in Leiden – Ships of the Lower German Limes
15.20-17.00 Highlights of the Lower German Limes
Chair: Jeroen van Zoolingen
Carol van Driel-Murray / Silke Lange, Guest Staff Member Leiden University / Senior archaeologist and wood specialist at BIAX Consult in Zaandam – Organic treasures of the Lower German Limes
  Stijn Heeren, Assistant Professor Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Project Leader of the PAN-Programme – Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands (PAN) and limes-related finds
Boris Alexander Burandt, Head of Museum Burg Linn in Krefeld – Battle of GELDVBA – New insights from a conflict zone of the lower German limes
Wouter Vos, Owner of Vos Archeo in Oosterbeek and Lecturer Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Deventer – The most iconic Roman site in the Rhine estuary on the Lower German Limes
Erik Verhelst, Senior Archaeologists at RAAP Archeologisch Adviesbureau B.V in Weesp– The Hercules Magusanus sanctuary of the Cohors II Civium Romanorum Equitata in Herwen (the Netherlands)
Mark Driessen, Assistant Professor in Provincial Roman Archaeology at Leiden University – Temporary Roman camps near Ermelo on the Veluwe
17.30-19.00 Reception in concert hall De Vereeniging (15 minute walk)