Valkhof Museum Tour & Drinks
Wednesday, 24 August, 18.00-21.00 hours

18.00 Valkhof Museum Open

18.15 Welcome by Hedwig Saam, Director, Valkhof Museum

18.30 The museum collection can be visited individually. There are also guided tours available for the “Moving Stories – The Riches of the Limes” Exhibition.  The tours start at the entrance of the exhibition.

18.30 Moving Stories Tour – Marenne Zandstra (30 minutes)
19.15 Moving Stories Tour – Marie Stel (30 minutes)
20.15 Moving Stories Tour – Marenne Zandstra (30 minutes)
20.30 Moving Stories Tour – Marie Stel (30 minutes)

19.30-20.15 Book presentation Lower German Limes – 100 Top Finds
Presentation of a book in three languages of the 100 most impressive archeological  finds of the Lower German Limes, writing by specialists from both Germany and the Netherlands.