27. Brickyards of the Roman Army
27. Brickyards of the Roman Army Session Chairs: Eckhard Deschler-Erb & Clarissa Agricola Affiliation: Universität zu Köln, Germany Affiliation of co-organiser: Universität zu Köln, Germany Session Abstract: The Roman army was not only an effective military machine, it was also a highly important economic force. Especially in newly conquered regions, the sapper units of the […]
10. Tales of Glory
10. Tales of Glory. Narratives of Roman Victory Friday, 26 August 2022, Steigerzaal Session Chairs: Martina Meyr & Christof Flügel Affiliation: Städtische Museen Rottweil, Germany Affiliation of co-organiser: Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern, Germany Session Abstract: Since the groundbreaking research of Paul Zanker and Tonio Hölscher it has been generally acknowledged, how deliberately […]
7. Managing the Romans
7. ‘Managing the Romans????’ Preservation, protection and community management of frontiers. Opportunities, challenges, and use of ‘citizen science’ Wednesday, 24 August 2022, Steigerzaal Session Chairs: Tessa de Groot, Daniel Poulet & Nigel Mills Affiliation: Cultural Heritage Agency, the Netherlands Affiliation of 1st co-organiser: Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary Affiliation of 2nd co-organiser: Nigel Mills Heritage, United […]
18. Reconstructing the Limes
18. Reconstructing the Limes. Roman archaeology as national and transnational heritage Session Chairs: Saskia Stevens, Richard Hingley & Chiara Bonacchi Affiliation: Utrecht University, the Netherlands Affiliation of co-organiser: University of Durham, United Kingdom Affiliation of 2nd co-organiser: University of Stirling, United Kingdom Session Abstract: This session focuses on the ways the borders of the Roman […]
3. Ripae et Litora
3. “Ripae et litora,” Supply and security on the riverine and coastal edges of the Roman Empire Maandag 22 August 2022, Steigerzaal Session Chairs: Wouter Dhaeze, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg & Jeroen van Zoolingen Affiliation: City of Oudenburg, Belgium Affiliation of co-organiser: city of Utrecht, the Netherlands Affiliation of second co-organiser: Hazenberg Archeologie, the Netherlands […]